Jan 6, 2012

Pastor Chuck Smith interviewed by Pastor Greg Laurie

Hi everyone.
Just wanted to share with you a very important video I think for everyone.
My favorite pastor, Greg Laurie recently interviewed my another favorite pastor, Chuck Smith.
It gave me so much encouragement and inspiration.
I am very sure that you will be blessed as well.

below is quote from pastor Greg's blog.

Rarely does a man affect an entire generation. But I know a man who has done that and more. His name is Chuck Smith.
Chuck’s primary focusChuck’s laser beam-like focus has always been on Bible exposition.
His teaching and leadership produced a generation of men who went around the world starting churches (I am in those ranks myself). You could arguably make a case for contemporary Christian music and worship starting at the church he has pastored since the late sixties, Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa.
Very few people know his whole story and it is indeed an amazing one.
It will be my privilege to interview Chuck Smith this coming Thursday, Jan 5 at Harvest Orange County.I have a unique vantage point in that I have had the privilege of knowing Chuck personally for forty years. We have had many adventures together and I want you to better know the man behind the message.
Chuck recently found out he has lung cancer.This interview was previously scheduled for mid-January, but Pastor Chuck just found out that he has lung cancer. He is going to have tests done this week and surgery the following week, so Chuck graciously agreed to reschedule it for this week.
The service will start at 7:00 P.M. (Pacific) and will be webcast live at www.harvest.org.
We need to hold up this man of God in prayer and ask the Lord to give wisdom and guidance to the medical team that will be attending to him.
Click here to watch the video!!!

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