Apr 29, 2010


学生時代にやっておいた方が良いことにもいろいろありますが、やはり重要なのは人とのつながりを作ること。中でも生涯大切にできる《親友を作る》ことを一 番にあげる人が多いようです。社会に出てから親友を作ることもできますが、生涯で最も多感な学生時代に同じ空気を共有した親友というのは、どこか兄弟や家 族にも通じるつながりの深さを感じますよね。クラブ・サークル活動などを通じて《人脈を広げる》ことも重要です。特に大学時代に培った人脈は社会に出てか らも役立つことが多く、その後の人生に大きな影響を与えることもあります。
でも、「本当に」大切、 一番大きな意味をもつものを考えたことはあるでしょうか?




「すべての人は罪を犯したので、きよい神から遠く離れている。」 ローマ3:23




Apr 12, 2010

Truth, is It offensive??

I posted my article of "Who made God?" on my YMCA Dorm's blog the other day.

I thought it will be good chance get readers to think about God and agitate them into searching for God.
Well, it did not turn out as I hoped to be.

Some students came to me and asked to delete the post.
They said "it is your own view of God. And I don't want to you impose your thought on us and others who read this blog." and "It is inappropriate for our blog, because people will see and become not to want to come to our dorm."

Well, honestly, at first I thought "Come on, think about what YMCA stands for!!! Young Men' Christian Association right?", " where in the world did the 'C' go??"

Their reasons seemed to me so irrational. Because when I think what our group really is(Christian Association) and the post is not that imposing one.
After all, what really took place was that they were offended by the things I wrote.

But, I decided to delete it in order not to cause conflicts anyways.
It really hurt me and grieved as well. I was really discouraged by the fact that how they reacted is not what I had expected and hoped.

Jesus had same experience on the earth.
No one could have won the argument with Him.
No one could have prove that He was not Messiah.
No one had legal ground to crucify Him.
............the list goes on and on
But, yet, they did not accept Him.

The experience like those raised anger in my heart which turned into bitterness.
But the truth is that God Loves Them and want them to know and love Himself.
And I know, in my mind, He has sent me to these very people to tell them about Him.
But I said to God, "Why, Lord? Why they cannot take it?"
God gave me this Scripture,
"And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will."
Bible tells me that when I think them being my enemy, what is happening is that they are trapped by the enemy, Satan. They are under the power of enemy like we once were.

All I can do is keep praying that God will give me His peace and encouragement.
And that He will also give me a opportunity to share the Gospel.
And that He will free them from the bondage of sin.

Readers, Please Pray for me and my dorm-mates!!!

Apr 9, 2010

Healing Begins

Just wanted to share this video with you all.
I bought their first album, and can't wait for the second one!!!

Hope it blesses you.


Who Made God? 「誰が神を造った?」

ある懐疑主義者 とクリスチャンの会話がありました

「もしも宇宙が創造主を必要 とするのなら、神自身も創造主を必要とするのではないか?誰が神を造ったのだろう?」

「面白い質問だね。私は君は神の存在を信じていないと 思ったけれど。答えはこうだよ。誰も神を創造していない。宇宙が有限(初めを持つ宇宙)であり、創造主を必要としているのとは違い、神は創造主を必要とし ないんだ。」


C:「なぜなら神は永遠の存在だからだよ。永遠に存在している方は創造主を、存在 させしめるなにかを必要としないんだ。」
「詩編90:2で『とこしえからとこしえまで あなたは神です。』とある。神は永遠の存在。しかし、宇宙はまったくもって別のカテゴリーに入るんだ。科学的にも示されているように、宇宙は常に存在していた訳ではないんだ。存在の出発点をもつものは、その出発 の原因・創造主を必要とするわけだ。勝手に存在し出すなんてことはない。無は何も創造しないんだ。」




C:「神が常に存在しているということを笑う前に、このことは覚えていて欲しい。つ まり、何かが必ず常に存在していなくてはならないということ。分かるかい?」


C:「そうだね、ではちょっと一緒に考えてほしい。もしも、無からは何も生まれないのに、何かが存在している。ということは、何かが もともと存在していた(ものを造り出すために)ということになる。
1.もしも、何も存在してない時があったのなら、今も 何も存在していない。


this is a quote from Charlie Campbell's blog "Always Be Ready"
(You can check out his ministry here

A common question skeptics raise when I talk to them about evidence for the existence of God, has to do with the maker of God. The question usually goes something like this:

“If the universe demands a creator, then why can’t we just say God must have a creator as well? In other words, Who made God?”

I do find it interesting and a bit humorous, that it is usually atheists who bring up this question. I want to say, "Hey wait a second, I thought you didn't believe God exists."

Be that as it may, here's how I typically try to answer the question in a minute or two.

ME: Nobody made God. Unlike the finite universe (a universe that began to exist) that demands a creator, God does not need a creator.


ME: Because He is eternal. Someone who has always existed does not need a creator or someone to have brought Him into existence, because He’s always been. Psalm 90:2 says, “Even from everlasting to everlasting You are God.” God is eternal. But the universe falls into an entirely different category. As the scientific discoveries have shown, it has not always existed. And anything that begins to exist, requires a cause or maker. Things don’t just pop into existence all on their own. Nothing does not produce something.

SKEPTIC: Okay Charlie that makes sense, but you believe that God has just always existed?”

ME: Yes.

SKEPTIC: Impossible!

ME: Well, before you scoff at the notion of God having always existed, keep this in mind: something must have always existed. Do you realize that?

SKEPTIC: Why do you think that?

ME: Well, think through this with me: If nothing cannot produce something, and yet
something exists, then it follows necessarily that something has always existed (in order to bring the something into existence). Think of it this way:

1. If there ever was a time that absolutely nothing existed, nothing would exist now.
2. Something exists now.
3. Therefore, there was never a time that absolutely nothing existed.

So, to answer your question, Who made God? No one. God is eternal and does not need a maker. The universe is not eternal and does require a maker.