Oct 4, 2011

East Coast!!! NJ, with Andersens :)

So I left SoCal and headed to East Coast for the first time.

Again, though I did not know at the time, I had a little trouble getting picked up at the airport.
I forgot giving the flight info to the friend who was coming to pick me up. He found out that he only had departure and arrival time, and tried almost everything (it literally was) to find out which flight that I was taking. I flew from LAX to JFK, so these are among biggest airports in the states. It made it hard for him to find my flight with little information.

But, SNS is amazing!!! I miraculously checked-in on my facebook at the airport.
There were dozens of names that I could choose as check-in point, but I chose "LAX United Airlines gate" or something like that. This was big!! For it gave him the info of my airline!!!

So he narrowed it down to two flights and picked one, hoping the right one. Then he saw a guy picture of whom I posted on facebook coming out from gate. Then, he knew it was the right flight!!!

I did not know all of this until he told me what was happening and to him!!! CRAZY!!

well well, so I was picked up by my good friend Matt Andersen.
He and his family live in ProspectPark, NewJersey.
When he lived in Okinawa, he was leading worship. (Wasn't he?? If you were there, I know you'd agree with me :)
I had learned so much from him about worship and had always respected him as a godly man and friend.

He and his wonderful wife Jess have started church while ago, in his neighborhood  and have a great heart to preach the gospel and desire to see their neighbor coming to know Jesus Christ.
I was so touched by their vision and compassion.
Even the story of how God brought them to the place they live now was so shocking and impacting to me.

They lived in 3 floor house. But they are lending the upper two floors. Cool thing is that one of their two tenants is Japanese!!! (cooler is they are both christians!)
So one night we got together and had wonderful fellowship.
We also sang worship in Japanese!!! Matt and Jess still can sing Japanese songs, it was so amazing!!
Matt playing, me laughing. lol
me, Matt, Jess and Akiko (RtoL)

I also met their two younger kids for the first time!!! When they left, they only had one and she was so little too.
They are absolutely adorable kids!!!
I totally enjoyed hanging out and playing with them ;)
 youngest, Joshua 
their neighbor friend, Jennie and Ella (RtoL)

I was so blessed to see how God is using this family in the community.
The area not far from their place, honestly was very scary to me.

"drug free school zone"??

Please, keep them in your prayers.
As they reach out with the bright light of Jesus Christ to the community.

I seriously want to visit them again.
Jess said that I can bring a mission team. hahaha Can that be happen??

Thank you so much for the wonderful time.
Love you, Andersens!!!

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