Jul 18, 2009

Life of Matthew Henry

Recenly, I have been reading a book called "50 people every Christian should know" by Warren Wiersbe. I haven't finished it yet. But, the story of Matthew Hanry really caught my heart.
Spurgeon described his commentary, "Suitable to everybody, instructive to all". He was such a great man of God and preacher.

Here is part of his story that really amazed and blew me out.......
His father Philip Henry was also reacher as Matthew became later on. Matthew loved his dad's sermon. When he was in teenage, he would often, after hearing his father preach, hurry to his room and pray that God would seal the Word and spriritual impressions made to his heart so that he might not lose them.

After reading this story, I felt I was embarrassed or somethig.....
He was around 13 years old at the time. And he prayed right after services to ask God help not forget what was spoken to him!?!?
At my church, we have men's prayer meeting every week. And I sometimes pray that God would help us to keep the message in my heart. Then I go for lunch. After that, what happens is that I FORGET MOST OF IT.
How much I need to pray more, read more, be stirred up and try to keep The Word in my heart. I need more passion for the Word......

How did you like Matthew Henry's passion?? He was teenage just like us (I'm not teenage any longer though...)




1 comment:

  1. 同感だよ。
