Jul 23, 2009

Oh Taste and See that The Lord is GOOD!!!!

This past weekend we had sort of Youth 2 days Camp. Well, we didn't camp out, but went to BBQ and played @ park. We had fun and great fellowship there.
Then we had also time of the Word. We had four classes, all of them maily focused on defference of God and the World. I joined the small group as kind of student leader or whatsoever. I thought I knew what they were going to teach and I was thinking to share little bit of my insight with the kids. Well, what happened is that God totally humbled me by showing that I knew little. Every class, I found new things and insights in the Word!!!!!

Oh, how great is His work within us, even in the times we don't expect Him to do!!

One thing God showed me is about eternal life. Chuck Smith said
" Eternal life is much more than quantity or duration of time. It is a quality of life."
Our pastor said " It is relationship with God" and "that gives us everlasting joy".

We studied why is it NOW to accept Jesus . If we wanna have eternal life, why not just accept on a death bed. What makes difference now and time of death bed?
As I mentioned, it is because of Joy that He gives us through relationship.

So, why not now?? Why do we put off the decision to follow Him??

"Oh, Taste and See that The Lord is GOOD"!!

  そして、もちろんそのあとにはみことばの時間も持ちました。四つのクラスがあって、全体的に「神」と「この世」の違いについて学んだ感じになった。僕は リーダーという訳でもない、なんか年長組的な感じ(笑)で参加させてもらった。だから、なんとなくこれから学ぶことは知っているし、分かち合いのときにも 何か良いことを言おうという気持ちでいた。でも、学びが始まると、新しい発見ばかりだった!!!!


In Desert 砂漠で


 僕はどうだろう?”Do hard Thing”とか言いながら、何ができているのだろう?


 We have been studying Exodus @ our Firday Night Bible Study. I learned life of Moses can be divided into 3 seasons. First 40 years, he was raised up first in his mom's house during childhood, and after that, in palace as a prince, learnig the cultuer both Jewish and Egyptian. Next 40 years, he spent in desert, seems nothing is happening. Then, in next 40 years, he led Israel out of Egypt and to the promised land.
We all also will go through these 3 seasons. We, ofcourse, learn the culture that we live in. And we all should desire to see God does great things through our lives. But, we also go through desert too. Mayve we are reading the Bible everyday, serving God, but seems nothing is happening.
here is story of John which Jon Courson describes this way.......
At about 100 years of age, John was exiled to Patmos, a rocky, barren, seemingly God-forsaken island. It was a tough situation, and no doubt John questioned what was going on. ‘I’m old,’ he could have said. ‘I’ve trusted in the Lord; I’m linked to Him; why this isolation?’But then he saw Jesus Christ. John started writing, and 22 chapters later, the book of Revelation was completed
We may not see where we are going though we are folloeing God. We may not see the fruit of our ministry as soon as we want. But, even in the situation, God is working in our lives as long as we are obeying His Word.
We may try hard things, and get no result. Keep pressing on!!! He always has His way for us.
So, probably what we can do really in situation like that is just fixing our eyes on Jesus and look foward to wonderful things to come.

Jul 18, 2009

Life of Matthew Henry

Recenly, I have been reading a book called "50 people every Christian should know" by Warren Wiersbe. I haven't finished it yet. But, the story of Matthew Hanry really caught my heart.
Spurgeon described his commentary, "Suitable to everybody, instructive to all". He was such a great man of God and preacher.

Here is part of his story that really amazed and blew me out.......
His father Philip Henry was also reacher as Matthew became later on. Matthew loved his dad's sermon. When he was in teenage, he would often, after hearing his father preach, hurry to his room and pray that God would seal the Word and spriritual impressions made to his heart so that he might not lose them.

After reading this story, I felt I was embarrassed or somethig.....
He was around 13 years old at the time. And he prayed right after services to ask God help not forget what was spoken to him!?!?
At my church, we have men's prayer meeting every week. And I sometimes pray that God would help us to keep the message in my heart. Then I go for lunch. After that, what happens is that I FORGET MOST OF IT.
How much I need to pray more, read more, be stirred up and try to keep The Word in my heart. I need more passion for the Word......

How did you like Matthew Henry's passion?? He was teenage just like us (I'm not teenage any longer though...)




Jul 14, 2009

「盾」だけ? "Shield" only??



 ウォーレン・ウィアズビーの言葉に"Negative Purity"、(訳すとしたら「消極的聖さ」とう感じになるのかな)がある。
 クリスチャンホームに育った人なら分かるかもしれない。大人たちが「あなたは酒も、たばこもしてないから素晴らしいわ!」、「ちゃんと、親の言うことを聞いているからいい子ね。」とほめてくれるような経験ある? 何をやっていないからとか、言われたことをやっているからということでほめられるのは、決して悪いことではない。でも、「何をしたから」ということになるともっとすごくない?


It seems there are two kinds of "State of good" to me.
One is negative goodness
The other is possitive goodness

Warren Wiersbe described "Negative Purity" that we can do. If you are raised in Christian family, you'd understand. Sometimes adults come up to you and say "You are so good boy/girl, because you are not driking and doing drug", "Oh, such a great kid who listens to the parents always!!" It's not bad at all, but is that it?? The question is "Can we do more than that??".
 The theme of "The Rebelution"(which really inspired me) is "Do hard things". Can we do that?
In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
Ephesians 6:16-17
We are told here not only to defend ourselves with shields of faith, but also to engage in the battle with the aword of the Spirit!
I am the big failure of this one. I often time ignore the Spirit telling me to go out. Foe me it is so easy to say just "No". But, I fail to point God, like saying "God says this. thats why".
Paul, in following scriptures, told us to Pray hard. Thankfully, He knows we can't do it. So God helps us to do.

"Oh, God, please help me, big failure, wretched sinner and loser. Please use me by your mighty power. Amen"

Jul 13, 2009

Are you stirred up??? 燃えてる??

こんちは!! ブログを開設しました。 思いつきではじめたように思えますが、結構前から考えていて、でも何も目的なしに始めるのが嫌で・・・・
そんなときに、YouthWorkers Conference で中学生ミニストリーのセッションのメッセージを聞いていると、ブログもミニストリーにつかえるとあって。また、www.therebelution.com にもインスパイアーされて、祈って、始めることにしました!!


Hi, Everyone!!
I finally(?) started my blog.
It may seems to you that it happen to start from no where. But, it actually not.
I had been thinking to start blog for a while, though I did not want to start it for nothing.
During that time, I was listening to message of Principle of Jr.High ministry from YouthWorkers Conference, there he was saying blog can be used for ministry too. Also, I was inspired by The Rebelution (www.therebelution.com). Ofcourse I prayed as well.

So here it is, it has started!! I'm going to share my thoughts, things that spoke to me, things that are happening around me.....etc.

oh, yes, the goal of this blog is to encourage and help visitors stirred up in spirit.

so PLEASE Visit here and Leave Comments if you could.