Nov 19, 2011




 私たちの心もこのように作られている。結婚という関係のなかでのセックスは美しいくひとつになる。しかし、結婚の外のものは、心の一部を捨てているのである。彼らはかつて美しかったのだが、今では何かが変わってしまった。彼らのかつてあった姿が失われている。彼らの心の美しさが色あせてきているのである。」(Ben Courson “Chosen Generation”)


(英語の一つの訳では”He has put thoughts of forever”『神は永遠の思いを与えた』と表している。)




 「それゆえ、人の心はあなたにあって安らぎを見いだすまでは、満ち足りることがありません。」(Thou hast made us for Thyself, and the heart of man is restless until it finds its rest in Thee. )


 because the infinite abyss can only be filled by an infinite and immutable object; in other words, by God Himself.”(「なぜなら、この果てしない溝が、無限のもの、不変のものによってでしか満たされない。言い換えるなら、神、御自身によってである。」(私訳))


 「もしわたしが自己の内部に、この世のいかなる経験も満たしえない欲求があるのを自覚しているとするなら、それを最もよく説明してくれるのは、わたしはもう一つの世界のために造られたのだ、という考え方である。地上のいかなる快楽もこの欲求を満足させることができないとしても、だからと言って、この宇宙が食わせ物だという証拠にはならない。おそらくこの世の快楽は、その欲求を満足させるためにあるのではなく、ただそれを喚起せしめ、かつ本物のありかを暗示するために、あるのであろう。(中略) この世の祝福は、本物に対する一種の写し、反響、蜃気楼にすぎないのだから。わたしは自分の心の内にわたしのほんとうの国−それは死んでから見出すのだが−に対する欲求を生かし続けなければならない。」

Nov 14, 2011

The Elephant in the Room

I have been listening to series of Ecclesiastes of Pastor Tim Chaddick, Reality LA.

I had never had deep study on Ecclesiastes, and this series has been rocking my world. The book contains, frankly saying, so much deep stuff!!!

It has much to do with last post, but the book and "the preacher" makes me face some serious, heavy and unavoidable topics about life.
I might write about this further later but I have been thinking about how to relate and make relevant the heavy topic that Bible has to say to us to the people with whom I hope and pray to share my faith.

It gets very hard when it comes to talking about life, death and eternity.
Pastor Tim called it "The Elephant in the room."
I do not want to bang my friends with scriptures, but at the same time I know I want to share what the Bible says!!

One verse said to me a lot about this.
"He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end." 
Ecclesiastes 3:11
 One thing it taught me was, I think, there is always timing and leading of God.
He has His timing and it's so beautiful.
As I obey the leading of the Spirit, God is working in their eternity.

And another is that everyone has the sense of eternity in their heart because God has put it in their hearts!!
The very fact that I and others have a sense of eternity, even a thought of it, it the proof that God created them. And we all in deep wonder where we are going after this life.

To me, so many seemed to be indifferent with such matter, but as I learned how to be obedient to the Spirit and try to see people's hearts I found it more often that many want to know what it is.

Many people know the existence of "the elephant." but do not want to admit it.
It is easier to ignore than tackling with the elephant. But you never be able to dismiss it completely, only can delay, and sometimes it's too late.
I think I need to be a guide to help people see the seriousness of the existence.

You can only try to escape and dismiss the elephant in your mind, but the fact remains, "The Elephant Is In The Room."

Nov 11, 2011

Heavy Question

"Everybody has to live for something. Whatever that something is becomes "Lord of your life," whether you think of it that way or not. Jesus is the only Lord who, if you receive him, will fulfill you completely, and, if you fail him, will forgive you eternally." 
Tim Keller(ティム・ケラー) 

"What do you live for?" is radically heavy question but still inevitable.
I found it that in Tokyo, though some will claim it is, not many are atheist but they are more likely to be secularist.

Asked if they think there is something that they hope for in the light of eternity, they will answer "Well, I really don't know. I hope there is, but for now it is easier to hope rather than search for it.".
I have personally had conversation like that.
But in depth, we all live for something without exception.
So the issue logically and eventually comes to "what is it that you live for?" and "Does it give you eternal hope?" .

If it is other than Jesus, they will fail you soon or later.
Because nothing is perfect here. This is something most people can agree. But Jesus is Perfect. He never sinned and stayed faithful, gracious, loving and forgiving.
He fulfill the law and imparted His righteousness to me.

We fail Him so many times, but He is full of grace; He forgives us when we come to him with repentance. Even at this very moment, He is working in and preparing  us for eternity.
He only can make my life full of meaning and satisfying.

“Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” 