Oct 29, 2009

Difficult? or Impossible? 難しい?不可能?






















「壁にぶつかるとき、そこには突破口があるはずだ」と人はよいいます。確かに、そうでしょう。でも多くの人はそれを見つけません。 本当の突破口、解決策、道はイエス一人だからです。



"My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power, so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom,

but on God's power"

Have you ever felt difficulty in doing God's work or telling the Gospel to some one who do not konw Christ?
Let me put it in other way, Was it "dfficulty" or "impossibility" that you felt?
We can try to do the work of God with our own strength, thinking somehow I have something of a power to do His work.

Well, do you really think you are in nature capable of doing the work of God?
Here Paul tells us his message was not with wisdom and power of his own, but on God's power.

I often feel a difficulty in getting Gospel out to people who don't know Christ yet.
But, I was very convicted of this area and the fact I was not fully relying on The Lord.

it reminded me of the stroy of Mary's encounter with Gabriel.
When Gabreil told Mary that she is going to concieve a child, Mary asked "how will this be?"
He simply told her "nothing is impossible with God".

Oh, yes, Nothing Is Impossible With GOD!!!!

I really feel I am more like Zechariah who doubted Gabriel's word.
Do I feel difficulty? Oh, yes so many times!!!
Am I fully trusting and depending on God at the time?
If I do, I should not feel difficulty. Why? Because I am utterly not capable of doing any thing apart from God.
But, with God, all things are possible!!!

I have wanted my friends, especially dorm mates to know Christ and accept as thier Savior.
But, it seemed there is big difficulty.
So many people who are facing difficuties are looking for the way out, but end up not finding it.

The way out, the cure, the solution, The Way is Jesus only!!!

However, now I know how to reach them little more.


When do you feel difficulty? Do you think you depend on Him fully then?

Oct 4, 2009

どうする? Then, what shall I do?

 本としては、今はChuck Smithの"Final Act"というのを読んでいます。
 でも、その学びをしてみようとうきっかけ、トリガーを引いたのは友人から借りた、Joel Rosengerg/Skip Heitzigの"Epicenter"というDVDでした。見たことある人はいるでしょうか?

 先日CCCostaMesaのBrian Brodersenのメッセージを聞いていました。彼は、携挙について説明した後、「では、これらのことを学んだ後の、適応は何でしょう」と言い「このことを知った上で、この危機感をもって福音を人に伝え、神との関係を正しく保とうではありませんか。」と言いました。
”あなたがたは、今がどのような時か知っているのですから、このように行いなさい。・・・・・私たちが信じた時よりも、今は救いが私たちもっと近づいているのです。・・・・・・・・昼間らしい、正しい生き方をしようではありませんか。主イエス・キリストを着なさい。肉の欲のとめに心を用いてはいけません。” ローマ13:11-14
Lately, I have been studying about "Last Days" such as the Rapture, the Tribulation....etc.
The book I have been reading is "Final Act" by Chuck Smith which is awesome.
But, what really got me into this or motivated me was the one DVD called "Epicenter" by Joel Rosenberg / Skip Heitzig. This DVD explains what is happening in Jerusalem, which is the center of Israel, which is center of the world by showing interviews of many people such as Calvary Pastors, Bible scholars and Middle-East specialists even the present President of Israel, Netanyahu . It is really EPICENTER of this not only present, from long time before, the world.
I watched this DVD. And whole time I was watching, I was like " Oh my Gosh!!! It is happening!!!", "That is so crazy!!". It made such impact on me.

So now, what I am to do after watching it??
The other day, I was listening the message by Brian Brodersen on the Rapture.
He explained many things concerning the Rapture. At the end of the message, he said, "What then, shall we do after knowing these scriptural facts?", "We are to get the gospel out to people!".
I was so challenged!!
"Am I doing right things with knowing those facts?"
" What does God want me to do during and after the study?"

"And do this, understanding the present time. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. 12The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. 13Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. 14Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature." Romans 13:11-14